A chic lace bathing suit style
What is Summer without a cute bathing suit? One of my fav things to shop for in the Summer is a really cute bathing suit. Buying one that fits your silhouette is not as easy. For me one piece bathing suits can be sexier and more elegant than a two piece. I was on my way on a trip to Punta Cana and I still couldn’t find the right one until I found this fabulous one from Onia. I fell in love with this one immediately the lace in the front with the v neck and the open back accentuates all the proper aspects of your body. To style this outfit I chose an ivory blazer from Topshop. This blazer is perfect for the Summer because it’s light and you can wear it with anything. To finish my look you know I had to add my Spikko 100 studded pumps to match my gold purse and accessories. I hope you enjoy your Summer with this beautiful one piece.